
Woods & Wheels ATV Club By-Laws

The below by-laws were approved by a vote of the members on January 5, 2005. No updated have been made since this time.


Member(s) - The term member refers to Class A and Class B members as defined below. The term Member also includes Officers and Directors unless otherwise stated in the context of its use below.

Officer - An Officer is a Class A member that holds the position ofPresident, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer or Safety Officer within the Organization.

Director - A Director is a member of the Board or Directors. Officers are by virtue of their position members of the Board of Directors.

Organization - Woods and Wheels ATV Club Woods and Wheels ATV Club.

Board - the Board of Directors.

Rolling Calendar Year - A rolling calendar year is defined as the 12 months immediately preceding the current date. For example: if Today was April 3, 2005 the rolling calendar year would include the past twelve months up to and including April 3, 2004.

ARTICLE I - Name and Purpose

Section 1:

The name of the organization shall be Woods and Wheels ATV Club hereinafter referred to as the Organization or club.

Section 2:

The purpose of this club are:

  • To stimulate and advance the general welfare and saftey of ATVing;
  • To provide a medium for the exchange of ATVing information;
  • To develope a fraternal spirit among local ATVers and other recreational enthusiasts;
  • To serv the interests of ATVing owners;
  • To defend such owners against discriminatory legislations, regulations and burdensome taxation;
  • To own or lease property for club uses;
  • To perform all desirable and lawful functions for the successful operation of the club and in the general public interest.

ARTICLE II - Membership

Section 1:

Membership in the club shall consist of the following class(es):

  • Active Members
  • Associate and Honorary Members

Section 2:

Active membership is available to all ATV owners and enthusiasts without regard to sex, race or religious beliefs. Active membership shall extend to all members of a co-habitating family.

Section 3:

Applications for membership shall be made in writing addressed to the Secretary of the club on the appropriate form containing an agreement by the applicant to abide by the required dues and purposes of the club.

Section 4:

Each active member is recommended to be a member of the All Terrain Vehicle Association of Minnesota (ATVAM).

Section 5:

A member may resign from the club at any time upon written notice to the Secretary.

Section 6:

Membership in the club may be terminated by majority vote of the Board of Directors in the event of nonpayment of dues or other action not consistant with by-laws of the club. Termination of any member shall not release said member from the obligations to pay all dues and other amounts owed to the period of membership.

Section 7:

The Board of Directors may establish the qualifications and the rights of Associate and Honorary Members.


Section 1:

The amount of dues as well as the time for their payment shall be determined from time to time by action of the Board of Directors.

Section 2:

The dues payable to this club shall be sufficient to include membership in the ATVAM and the proper amount shall be forwarded to that organization at the appropriate time.

ARTICLE IV - Fiscal Year

Section 1:

The fiscal year of the club shall commence on the first day of January and end on the thirty-first day of December. Dues paid by February first of each year.

ARTICLE V - Management

Section 1:

The management of the club is vested in the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE VI - Officers

Section 1:

The officers of the club shall be:President, Vice-President, Secertary, Treasurer, ATVAM repersentative, and two board of Directors members. these seven shall consitute the clubs Board of the Directors.

Section 2:

The officers shall be elected from the membership by pluality vote who are in attendance at the membership meeting held in the month of January. Vacancies occuring betweens such elections shall be filled for the unexpired term by the Board of Directors at any Board meeting.

Section 3:

All officers shall take office immedately upon election (first meeting in Janurary) and hold office for a term of one-year or until successors shall have been elected and qualified. An officer's term is not exceed two consecutive years. A director's term is not to exceed two consecutive two-year terms.

Section 4:

The President shall preside at all meetings of the club and of its Board of Directors and shall oversee and coordinate such committees as are authorized by the Club. He or she shall be a member of ex-officio of all such committees and shall carry on those other responsiblities assigned to him or her by these by-laws and the Board of Directors. The President shall appoint all standing committees and speacil committees of the Club.

Section 5:

The Vice-President, during the absences or temporary incapacity of the President, shall preform the duties and have the powers of the President.

Section 6:

The Secretary shall keep all club records, except financail records, including minutes of meetings, roster of members, list of committees and their members; shall send out notice of meetings, received applications for membership, and discharge all of the usual secretarial functions of the office required by these by-laws. The Secretary shall also notify all members of any special meetings that may occur.

Section 7:

The Treasurer shall keep all financial records of the club and have charge of its funds. He or she shall keep all of the funds in a bank approved by the Club and in the name of the Club. Withdrawals shall be made by check signed in such manner as maybe approved from time to time by the Club. A Treasurer's report shall be prepared for each Board Meeting and an annual audit shal lbe prepared and submitted at the March membership meeting.

Section 8:

The Board of Directors shall be governing body of the Club except when meetings of the club are in session. All matters affecting the policies, aims and means of accomplishing the purposes of the Club not specifically provided for in this constitution of by action of the membership at a regular or special meeting shall be decided by the Board of Directors. The board shall meet at the call of the President or of a majority of the members of the Board. A report on all actions taken by the Board of Directors shall be made to the membership at the next following meeting. A majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall be required for a quorum.

Section 9:

The ATVAM Representative shall attend all meetings of the Board of Directors of ATVAM, and shall represent the interests of the club at those meetings.

Section 10:

All officers shall have such other powers and duties as required by law.

Section 11:

Removal of officers - Any officer not doing their job under these by-laws may be removed by a majority vote by the Board of Directors, or at a regular scheduled meeting with 30 day notice of membership.

ARTICLE VII - General Membership Meetings

Section 1:

The annual Meeting of the members of the club shall be held at the time and place designated by the Board of Directors. The major business of this meeting shall be the election of the Board of Directors.

Section 2:

Regular meetings of the members of the club shall be held monthly at the time and place fixed by resolution at the previous meeting or as designated by the President or the Board of Directors.

Section 3:

Special meetings of the club may be called by the Board of Directors, or by the President, or by any group of 15 active members by giving adequate notice of time, place and purpose of such special meetings.

Section 4:

Written notices of the time and place of the Annual and all other meetings of the membership shall be prepared and distibuted to the membership by the Secretary.

Section 5:

The active members at any duly called meeting shall constitute a quorum. A minimum of 10 members constitute a quorum. Any formal action taken at any meeting of the membership shall require a majority vote of these active members present. Each active member age 18 or older shall be entitled to one vote.

ARTICLE VIII - Election Procedures

Section 1:

A "qualified member" is an active member age 18 or older whose dues are paid.

Section 2:

A Nominating Committee of at least two directors and two members shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.

Section 3:

The Nominating Committee shall place in nomination candidates for election to the Board of Directors for each prospective vacancy from among the names of the qualified members club.

Section 4:

Nominations by the Nominating Comittee shall be made at the regular or special meeting of the club held in December of each year. At least 15 days advance notice shall be given the membership prior to the nomination meeting. A nominating committee may be appointed or elected to make nominations, but whether or not such nominating committee is used, nominations shall be permitted from thr floor at the nomination meeting. All regular elections shall be held at the January meeting.

Section 5:

To be eligible for office a member must be a qualified member.

Section 6:

Officers and directors shall be elected by secret ballot vote and the balloting shall be so conducted as to afford to all qualified members a reasonable opportunity to vote. At least fifteen days advance notice shall be given the membership prior to the holding of the election.

ARTICLE IX - Miscellaneous Provisions

Section 1:

Roberts Rules of Order revised shall be the giude in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistant with these by-laws.

Section 2:

No possession of alcohol or drugs while operating your ATV during club events.

ARTICLE X - Amendments

Section 1:

The by-laws may be appeneded by the affirmative vote of a majority of the active members attending the annual meeting, or at any meeting at the club provided 30 days notice of intend to ammend is published.

ARTICLE XI - Splitting of the Club

Section 1:

If the club should split, the assest and liabilities shall be distributed in proprotion to the continuing and splitting members. The board of directors shall determine the value of the current assets and shall determine which assest shall remain with the current club and which shall bne transfered to the splitting club.

ARTICLE XII - Dissolution

Section 1:

In the event that this club shall disband all the assets shall be disbursed determined by the board of directors.

The foregoing by-laws were approved by a majority of the active members present at a meeting of the membership of the above organization.

Dated 2/28/05

Our Sponsors

J & K Marine
24147 Wine Lake Rd.
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501

Lakes Area Dirt Works LLC
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501

Mackner Excavating, Inc
32955 Carlson Drive
Rochert, MN 56578

VFW in Detroit Lakes
500 Washington Ave.
Detroit Lakes 56501
Phone: (218) 847-3805

Ice Cracking Restaurant
30389 Co Hwy 35
Ponsford MN 56575
Phone: (218) 573-3631

Jack Pines Resort & Campground
53014 State Highway 34
Osage, MN 56570
Phone: (218) 573-6600

LCC Corner Market
911 Hwy 34 E.
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 Phone: (218) 847-3190

Okeson Offtrail Sales
24360 County Rd 113
Detroit Lakes 56501
Phone: (218) 847-9304

Olson Outdoor Sports
310 W Main St
Mahnomen, MN 56557
Phone: (218) 935-2355

R3 Marine & Powersport Repair
205 Washington Ave
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
Phone: (218) 844-6402

Recreational Salvage
1682 Highway 10 East
Detroit Lakes, MN
Phone: (218) 844-3033

TNT Power Sports
266 200th St. So.
Hawley, MN 56549
Phone: (218) 790-8200

U Motors
18443 US Hwy 59 N
Detroit Lakes MN 56501
Phone: (218) 847-9264

Foltz Trucking Inc
19097 Frontage Rd
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501
Phone: (218) 847-4451

Richwood Off Sale
27343 Cty Hwy 34
Callaway, MN 56521
Phone: (218) 847-6380

Note: click sponsor name to visit their home page.

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